Penalties for Assault Convictions, arrested man with cuffed hands behind prison bars.

Penalties for Assault Convictions

Assault charges are a serious legal matter with far-reaching consequences, especially in cases involving immigration. Penalties for assault convictions can go beyond fines and imprisonment to include long-term damage to your reputation, difficulty securing employment, and potential deportation for non-citizens.

Understanding the Penalties for Assault Convictions

Assault charges generally fall into two categories:

  1. Simple assault
  2. Aggravated assault

Simple assault typically involves causing or attempting to cause physical harm to another person or putting someone in reasonable fear of imminent harm. This charge is often classified as a misdemeanor. However, aggravated assault involves more severe actions, such as causing serious bodily injury, using deadly weapons, or assaulting protecting individuals like police officers or first responders.

Both types of assault charges can result in criminal records that follow you for years and affect your ability to rebuild your life. Here’s how:


Simple assault charges fines can range from $500 to $5,000, while aggravated assault fines can exceed $10,000, depending on the circumstances.


Mandatory minimum penalties for assault convictions include up to a year of jail time for misdemeanors. Meanwhile, aggravated assault convictions can lead to lengthy prison sentences ranging from five to 20 years or more.


Some courts may impose probation instead of or in addition to jail time. Probation for an assault conviction often requires compliance with specific conditions such as attending anger management classes or refraining from further criminal activity.

Restitution and Community Service

Defendants may be ordered to pay restitution if convicted of assault. These payments are to cover medical bills, lost wages, or property damage suffered by the victim. Moreover, some assault convictions include mandatory community service hours as part of the sentence.


Non-citizens facing penalties for assault convictions can face removal proceedings, even if they have lived in the United States for decades or have family ties here. Contact the immigration lawyers at Lamb & Turner to protect your peace of mind.


Those seeking to enter the United States or adjust their immigration status may be denied as a penalty for assault convictions. Consult a lawyer skilled in immigration law to shield your rights and protect your interests.

Loss of Legal Status

Temporary visa holders or permanent residents (green card holders) may lose their status and face deportation if convicted of assault. However, an experienced immigration lawyer to help you navigate the challenges of criminal law.

Defending Against Assault Charges

A strong defense against assault charges can help mitigate or even eliminate some of the penalties. Common strategies include challenging the evidence, asserting self-defense, negotiating plea deals, and expungement.

A criminal defense attorney or immigration lawyer will question witness credibility, inconsistencies in statements, or lack of physical evidence to help weaken the prosecution’s case. They can also demonstrate that your actions were in response to an immediate threat or negotiate a plea bargain to reduce the charge or reduce the penalties.

NOTE: If convicted of assault, an experienced lawyer may be able to help you qualify for expungement to remove the conviction from your record.

Final Thoughts

Don’t leave your future to chance. If you or a loved one are facing assault charges or worried about the penalties of assault convictions, secure legal counsel today.

Reach out to Lamb & Turner for the representation you need. We will help protect your rights, safeguard your future, and minimize the impact of these charges on your life. Schedule a comprehensive consultation to learn more.